Rewards at KLA
Rewards King’s Lynn Academy has developed a framework to recognise and reward students who show positive characteristics in their day-to-day academy life. During the course of their time at King’s Lynn Academy, students will be given opportunities to display these skills and attitudes, both in their lessons and also in the extracurricular activity offered.
Students will be rewarded in the following ways;
House Points: Awarded in lessons and around school for engaging particularly well or showing keen interest and enthusiasm for aspects of academy life, including excellent reading, good articulation of learning and good knowledge test results.
Praise Postcards: Awarded for showing great attitude in the range of subjects they study .and in all aspects of academy life. We recognise the importance of sending positive messages home to parents and carers about the progress and attitude of students.
Blazer Badges and Certificates: At the end of every term exceptional students are recognised rewarded and awarded with blazer badges and certificates in termly house rewards assemblies.
Top 100: At the end of every term the top 20 students in each year group with the highest reward points balance are presented with High Street Vouchers. The student with the highest reward points in each year group receives £30 with £10 and £5 vouchers being given to the other 19 students.
Endeavour: At the end of each term staff are asked to nominate students who have gone the extra mile; a student who has overcome a challenge either at school or at home and who continues to strive to be the best that they can be.
House Tokens: Students will be awarded a token every time they go above and beyond; whether participating in an extra-curricular activity or attending additional lessons. These tokens build towards a whole house reward for the first to fill their token box to the top!