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Online Learning

All of our online e-learning platforms are fully researched and have proved to be very effective at improving outcomes.  They cover every subject we teach and offer resources which are specific for the exam boards we use.  They are highly addictive learning tools which can be used on a variety of different devices, phones, tablets, etc.  They are ideal for independent study, for pre-learning topics prior to lessons and, of course, they are an excellent way to revise for exams.

We subscribe to the following e-learning platforms:

Go4Schools -

Go4Schools is used to share information about progress during the year.

It is also used to share homework and tasks set by teachers.

Please visit Go4Schools regularly as all tasks will be set here.


GCSEPod is our preferred out of hour’s platform for Year 10 and Year 11 English, Humanities and option subjects.  However, it is also excellent for Maths and Science.  GCSEPod have produced following parents’ guides which will help you to support your child effectively.

GCSEPod is used by Key Stage 4 students.

If you have any queries about GCSEPod, or you are having problems logging on, please contact either your child’s form tutor, subject teacher or Mr Towler -


We have used HegartyMaths for two years now and recommend it without hesitation.  It has a comprehensive series of video lessons followed by bespoke lessons.  The skills are demonstrated through minimally different and carefully scaffolded worked examples.  Students can revisit any concept to get deliberate practice over time to improve working memory and confidence.

HegartyMaths is used by all students.

If you have any queries about HegartyMaths, or you are having problems logging on, please contact either your child’s Maths teacher or Mr Crockett -


We have committed to using Tassomai to help prepare students for all of the science exams. It is an intelligent online learning program which helps students at all levels achieve outstanding results.  It builds knowledge, boosts confidence and reduces exam stress.

Tassomai is used by Year 11 students.

If you have any queries about Tassomai, or you are having problems logging on, please contact either your child’s Science teacher or Mr Docking -

BBC Bitesize

Bitesize is the BBC's free online study support resource for school-age students in the United Kingdom. It is designed to aid students in both school work and, for older students, exams.

It is an outstanding resource for both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students and it can be accessed without having to login to an account.

SAM Learning

SAM Learning is another award-winning online study service independently proven to raise attainment. Students can use the site to revise and test themselves using practice exam papers and test questions across more than 20 subjects, in a variety of different formats that are fun, engaging and challenging.

For details of how to access your account click here

Active Learn

We have been using this successfully for the last two years to prepare students for their Language GCSEs. Through active learn, students have full access to the textbooks which they use in class, including audio files to allow them to practise their listening skills. There is also a tasks section for specific homework set by teachers. This will consist of interactive, self-marking reading, listening and vocab learning tasks so students can get instant feedback on their work.

Active learn is used by students in Years 10 and 11.

If you have any queries about active learn or are having problems logging on, please speak to your languages teacher or email Miss Bracher –


The Languages Department have been using Quizlet to help pupils build their vocabulary in the languages which they study. Every student should be signed up to their own class on Quizlet which contains lists of words that they need to know. Each list can be explored in a multitude of ways including study mode, tests and games. Pupils especially enjoy competing on the match game to see who can be the fastest in the class!

This is used by all students.

Please note that students set up their own accounts for Quizlet, although they are encouraged to use their school email address to do so. If students forget their passwords, they need to follow the reset password link or set up a new account for themselves. If you have any other queries about Quizlet or are having problems logging on, please speak to your languages teacher or email Miss Bracher –

Teachit -

Teachit are offering free registration for students while the Coronavirus lasts. They have resources and activities for English, Maths, Science, MFL Geography, History and Primary.

Click here to find out more and register.

thisislanguage -

We have just set up "thisislanguage" for our students to use while they are learning from home. It is a fantastic site where the learning is based around videos made by young speakers of French/German about relevant, real life contexts which are chosen to interest the students. There are a range of online activities for the students to do based on the videos to demonstrate their understanding.

This is used by all students.

The details of how to register their new accounts will be distributed to the students through Go4Schools the first time we ask them to access this site for their at home learning. Once these details and instructions have arrived, please contact Miss Bracher or Miss Flor with any queries.

Reading recommendations for all year groups

School reading list is a website that recommends books for all year groups, take a look here


Story Writing

story settings description writing frames KS3-Story-Planning-Honeycomb-Graphic-Organiser


Amazon Tribes comprehension
Charles Dickens Reading Comprehension
Charles Dickens Differentiated Questions
Dark secrets reading
Dark Secrets questions and answers
Dark Secrets Vocabulary Worksheet
Lewis Carroll Reading Comprehension
Lewis Carroll Questions
Terry Pratchett Reading Comprehension
Terry Pratchett Questions
Roald Dahl Comprehension
Roald Dahl Questions
Who Was Henry VIII Sources Information
Who Was Henry VIII Sources Information Questions and Answers
William Shakespeare Reading Comprehension
William Shakespeare Questions

SPAG Activities

Adverb Openers Activity Sheet
Ambitious Vocabulary Activity Sheet
Apostrophes Activity Sheet

Connectives Activity Sheet
Dialogue Activity Sheet
Finding Verbs
Full Stops and Capital Letters
Homophones There Their They're
Homophones Where Wear Were Activity Sheet
Sentence Openings
Sentence Types
Tenses Past to Present
Tenses Sentence Types
Verb Agreement Is Are
Verb Agreement Was Were