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Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity

John. F. Kennedy

Curriculum Rationale: Physical Education

Powerful knowledge in Physical Education – Why do we teach these concepts?

Physical education (PE) is a vital component of our school curriculum. It offers a unique contribution to the education of students through the opportunities it provides for them to plan, perform and evaluate a range of physical activities. It can enhance self-esteem and contribute to students’ moral and social developments.

Our aim of physical education is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.  

Powerful knowledge in PE enables students to:

  • Take part in a wide variety of skills and techniques and make successful progress.
  • Be confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. The overall importance of developing a lifelong participation in a sport of their choice.
  • Use powerful analysing skills to evaluate their own and others strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate data patterns and use this information to enhance performance and review progress.
  • Understand the importance of becoming a responsible citizen who makes positive contributions to society.
  • Develop social awareness of the importance of working with others and developing a variety of communication and team work skills.
  • Build on their life skills to prepare them for the world of work – For example - confidence, perseverance, team spirit, positive competitiveness and organisational skills etc.
  • Learn the importance of being humble in victory and gracious in defeat.  
  • PE is an integral part of school practices allowing all students in the school to gain a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others.
  • Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

Curriculum Features - How do we embed the learning?

The curriculum for PE enables learning to be embedded by:

  • Delivering a broad and balanced curriculum which allows students to develop key knowledge and skills over five years.
  • Spiral structure where students are regularly re-visiting techniques and key knowledge to embed learning.  
  • Students will be placed in situations where they will develop and use their leadership qualities. 
  • Encouraging students to embed their knowledge through peer analysis.
  • Regular recall of key knowledge and key skills is evident throughout each lesson – through questioning, quizzes, self/peer assessment and building on prior knowledge.
  • A range of low stakes tests which track students prior knowledge to guide future planning.
  • Students begin follow a ‘Concept Curriculum’ where they focus on developing wider skills and characteristics through the physical activity and sport lessons.

The range, breath and diversity of our curriculum is designed to ensure that we immerse students in to a comprehensive diet of physical activities and sport, in the hope that we engage, excite and excel our students within the subject.

Each of the above elements are weaved in to an extensive Key Stage 3 & 4 curriculum that we are extremely proud of. Throughout the key stages, students will be given the opportunity to experience a breadth of traditional and modern sports including Rugby, Football, Flag football, Spikeball, Netball, Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Handball, Dance, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Fitness, Boxercise, Kinball, Cricket, Rounders, Softball, Tennis and Athletics.

Curriculum Enrichment – How do we link with other subjects and offer experiences?

In PE we pride ourselves on the extensive sporting opportunities which are made available to our students.  Our extra-curricular sports programme is designed to give students the very best chance to further develop their sporting abilities as well as providing an avenue for competitive Local and Regional sporting fixtures. We are part of the West Norfolk Physical Education Association (WNPEA) and our fixture calendar is vast as we enter teams throughout a range of sports including: Football, Basketball, Netball, Hockey, Rugby, Badminton, Athletics, Tennis, Cross-Country, Kinball, Cricket and Rounders. As well as fixtures, we also aim to provide experiences through trips, Women’s Euro 22 Championships at Old Trafford, Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships and the Netball Super League Season Opener.