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Role of the Head of Year

  • Ensure attendance monitoring is efficient, timely and accurate, contacting parents, identifying students who need additional support / sanction and monitoring the impact of the intervention.
  • Ensure behaviour monitoring is efficient, timely and accurate, contacting parents, identifying students who need additional support / sanction and monitoring the impact of the intervention.
  • Work with the Progress Leader for your key stage to ensure timely intervention for students whose behaviour causes concern
  • Build strong, mutually supportive relationships with parents and families, ensuring that any emerging issues are dealt with rapidly.
  • Arrange meetings with parents in order to acquaint them with school policy, or to discuss any welfare problems arising concerning a particular student.
  • Know all students in the appropriate year group and become accepted as a person to whom they can turn for guidance, in addition to their tutor.
  • Work with other Heads of Year in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support, sharing and developing areas of expertise.
  • Coordinate the work of a team of tutors, monitoring the quality of tutoring.
  • Ensure that the team of tutors meets according to the school calendar and that the tutors understand the policy of the school on all important matters. Support tutors to develop their groups so that every student feels that the school is doing everything possible to develop his or her social and academic capabilities to the fullest extent.
  • Liaise with appropriate outside agencies.
  • Attend all relevant Safeguarding meetings as directed by the DSL team for students in their year groups and disseminate information to ensure the safeguarding of those young people while in our care
  • Prepare and host assemblies
  • Lead on organising parental consultation evenings, prize giving evenings or other events that involve the year group for which they are responsible.
  • Arrange, where appropriate, for the close monitoring of a student’s progress and/or behaviour using the school’s report system including the holding of regular checks by the tutor
  • Be responsible for the maintenance of all appropriate records including students’ individual files and reports
  • Co-ordinate all information received from whatever source regarding an individual student and ensure that such information is recorded and distributed where appropriate. This should include checking that appropriate action is taken
  • Write to parents and/or outside agencies when and where necessary ensuring that the Leadership Team member with the relevant Key Stage responsibility is kept advised as appropriate
  • Undertake FSP training and lead the Family Support Process for students where appropriate.