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Year 6 Summer Activities Week 2021

On the 26th July 2021, King’s Lynn Academy hosted a week-long summer school event to support the transition of Year 6 children from primary into secondary. The government allocated funding to schools to support this.

We invited 181 children to join us and an average of 142 students joined us each day. Summer school was an excellent opportunity for our new year 7s to become familiar with their new surroundings and find their way around the building.

Aims of the summer activities week:

  • Providing year 6 students the opportunity to become familiar with the school before September, an opportunity missed due to COVID
  • To allow students to meet and build relationships with staff and support staff
  • To offer academic and enrichment activities missed due to lockdown
  • To help students to build their confidence and self-esteem
  • To allow students to forge new friendships and improve team working skills

Summer Activities week involved an action-packed week with a variety of activities including sports, STEM activities and art.

Each student attending the event was provided with a t-shirt, hoodie, water bottle, pencil case with stationary and a draw string bag. All the items were personalised with the student’s surname. Cooked school lunch was provided each day as well as various treats/ snacks throughout the week. 

The summer school included the following activities:

Funding allocation:

External activities:


Staffing to organise and carry out the event:

Including planning, staffing and supervision throughout the week.


Materials, resources and other costs:

Resources and equipment needed for academic sessions, cooked lunch


Total expenditure:


Comments from students and parents:

The week was a huge success with 100% of children stating that their confidence had improved by the end of the week.

“What can I say apart from "wow", what an amazing week. Jac was only there for the last 3 days, but he had a fantastic time. The organisation of it must have been a nightmare but the result of it was so worthwhile for all the children involved. The t-shirt, hoodie etc was such a lovely thing to do, and they all looked great walking into school. It was run so well and even the weather/covid didn't stop anything you had planned. Congratulations to everyone involved and KLA, it was a real credit to you all, and thank you so much for organising it. A fantastic week.”

“What a great time she had at the activities week; she particularly loved the art and craft session and her favourite day by far was the inflatables day, she came home shattered but buzzing from the fun!”

“She said she found it to be a good opportunity to find her way around school.”

“She loved the free gifts you gave her, and she is looking forward to trying more from the canteens cake selection!”

“We just wanted to say thank you very much for organising the week of summer school.  It has been amazing; all the different activities have been great.”

“According to Ben, Friday was the best day.  Also, the circus skills and the film with sweets and popcorn.  The ice cream van was well received too”.

“They have certainly had an amazing introduction to high school life, and prepared them ready for September”.

“So, my James has been so worried about starting high school. He has worried that he wouldn’t be good enough and that the work will be too hard. When James saw that math was the first lesson his heart sank as he thought it was going to make him look silly if he couldn’t do it. I dropped him off Monday and told him not to worry and just go with it. At lunchtime I got a text message with a picture of him and his friend all smiling and giving the thumbs up. The message saying “I am having a great time and the food is amazing”. When James got in the car at the end of the day, he would not shut up. He said it was great and maths was fun. On day two the forensic class went down a storm and James is still taking about it today.

All in all, James has had a fantastic week, and he loves his T-shirts and jumper and his water bottle. I thought that was a lovely touch. James is now excited to start in September and is not worried anymore. Oh, and today apparently was epic!”

Summer Activities Week Y6 - 2022

On Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th July 2022, King’s Lynn Academy will be hosting a 3-day summer school event.