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Record levels of young people are struggling. Academic pressure, social media, bullying, poverty, lack of availability of professional mental health support – all have been named by various sources as contributing to this epidemic of poor mental health in our young people.
At KLA we have a team who have undertaken Mental Health First Aid training so that they can support our students when they need it. The training offers practitioners the skills and confidence they need to step into the lives of young people and signpost the support they need. In doing so, they can speed up a young person’s recovery, stop issues from developing into a crisis, and ultimately save lives.
At KLA we want to create a future where we all know how to look after our own mental wellbeing, so preventable issues don’t arise in the first place. A future where every young person has access to support if they need it.

Mental Health First Aiders at KLA:

Di Allix-Woodman

Lisa Parry

Jennie Luther

Kelly McEvoy

Marianne Stevens

Ana Fonseca

Chloe Rix

Useful links: