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Rewards at KLA


Rewards King’s Lynn Academy has developed a framework to recognise and reward students who show positive characteristics in their day-to-day academy life. During the course of their time at King’s Lynn Academy, students will be given opportunities to display these skills and attitudes, both in their lessons and also in the extracurricular activity offered.

Students who show these will be rewarded in the following ways; Stickers (Passion, Determination, Risk Taking, Team Work, Creativity, Problem Solving) Awarded in lessons and around school for engaging particularly well in lessons, or showing keen interest and enthusiasm for aspects of academy life, including supporting peers, and having pride in their appearance and conduct.

Praise Postcards: Awarded for showing great attitude and particular enterprise skills in the range of subjects they study. We recognise the importance of sending positive messages home to parents and carers about the progress and attitude of students.

Blazer Badges and Certificates: At the end of every term exceptional students whose attendance is 96% or higher and whose behaviour points total less than 10 are rewarded and awarded with blazer badges and certificates in termly rewards assemblies. Every nomination made is recognised in the assemblies with students receiving Highly Commended certificates where the criteria is not met.

Top 100:  At the end of every term the top 20 students in each year group with the highest reward points balance are presented with High Street Vouchers. The student with the highest reward points in each year group receives £30 with £10 and £5 vouchers being given to the other 19 students.

Endeavour: At the end of each term staff are asked to nominate students who have gone the extra mile; a student who has overcome a challenge either at school or at home and who continues to strive to be the best that they can be. A trophy is presented to a member of each year group along with a high street voucher to recognise their achievement.

Student of the Week: Each week Form Tutors nominate students for their achievements. The Head of Year selects the winning student each week and they are recognised and presented with a certificate in year group assemblies.