Welcome To
“The school has undergone a journey of sustained improvement, led by the principal. Together they have transformed the school’s culture and ethos. Pupils say that school is a safe, stimulating and enjoyable place to be”
Thursday 23rd January - Year 9 Options Evening
Friday 24th January - Non-uniform day
Monday 27th January - Friday 7th February - Year 7-10 mid-year exams Years 7-10
Monday 10th February - Friday 7th March - Year 11 mock exams
Eastern MAT is proposing to expand King's Lynn Academy to add 300 pupil places from 1st September 2025. This will be a phased increase over time.
Please click on the consultation document below regarding the proposed expansion of KLA.
King’s Lynn Academy
Queen Mary Road
King’s Lynn
PE30 4QG
TEL: 01553 774671
Email us